Yochi Brandes
Author: Yochi Brandes
Published: 2016
Genre: Biblical Fiction
Cover: E-Book
Pages: 416
For those well versed in the Bible, the author offers a story laden with twists. For those with scant knowledge of the Bible, or those who fall short of specifics, the story may confuse for though Brandes often stays close to the Biblical narrative, the author just as often derails the Bible with either subtle or grandiose changes, by way of time, place or by attributing actions of one Biblical personage to another.
The novel presents a woman’s point of view. The author offers little in description of architecture of the era, either of the palace, the Temple, or the towns and little in description of foods or clothing, but concentrates almost solely on relationships.
The novel, based on Kings I, primarily concerns the lives of Saul, David, Jeroboam, the split between Israel and Judah, and the animosity between the tribes of Judah and Ephraim.
However entertaining for some, the author’s subversion of the Bible promoted an uproarious controversy among religious people, particularly in Israel.
Author: Yochi Brandes
Published: 2018
Genre: Biblical Fiction
Cover: E-Book
Pages: 378
Israeli author, Yochi Brandes, based the novel on Rabbi Akiva, a poor shepherd who rose to fame during the post Second Temple period.
As the Rabbis of the House of Hillel and the House of Shammai espouse and defend their views, each recognize the unique brilliance of Akiva, and attempt to lure him to their respective yeshiva.
In the background, the Jewish Nation struggles under the yoke of Rome.
Lively characters advance the philosophies that altered Jewish thought following the Destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple. Brandes incorporates the different movements of the Nazarene, and the perceived impact on Judaism amid vivid descriptions of the Revolt.
The author takes latitude in the fiction narrative as little is known of Akiva’s life.