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Heda Margolius Kovaly 


Author:        Heda Margolius Kovaly

Published:   2013

Genre:          Historical Novel

Cover:           E-Book

Pages:           235

Kovaly’s characters, intricately described, move through the tightly woven, suspenseful plot set during the Communist reign of Prague, Czechoslovakia, in the 1940’s and 1950’s, a time when trust in friendship could leave one in peril.

Using theatre as a backdrop, the author presents a story of human character depicting finely tuned dimensional figures that represent authority or laymen or the powerful, or the powerless.  The multilayered novel centers on the investigation of a murder that symbolizes the brutality of the communist regime.

Kovaly based “Innocence,” on her own life experiences.  Although the novel reads swiftly, the plot details, at times, become murky.

Kovaly’s writing style extends a strong resemblance to that of Raymond Chandler, her proclaimed, favorite author. 

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