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Eve Harris 

 The Marrying of

  Chani Kaufman

Author:        Eve Harris

Published:   2013

Genre:          Novel

Cover:           E-Book

Pages:           385

The bulk of characters are either unhappy or conniving.  The novel concerns the religious Jewish community of Hendon, England, a suburb of London.  The primary focus falls on three families.  The story involves the marriage of Chani Kaufman, the poor daughter of a Rabbi, to Baruch Levy, a wealthy young man from a prestigious family. 

A most disparaging portrayal of the Haredim, (the religious community), the content replete with inaccuracies of Judaism and Jewish history, and laden with viscous slurs and stereotypes anti-Semites could take pride in.


Harris’s father was a Holocaust survivor.  Eve Harris, a secular Jew, holds a grudge against the religious community.  Harris taught school in the religious community but was reprimanded for her lack of respect for the school administrators views.

Winner of the Man Booker Prize?  Shame on the judges. 

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