David I. Kertzer
Author: David I. Kertzer
Published: 2008
Genre: Non- Fiction
Cover: E-Book
Pages: 367
Fascinating story immersed in historical documentation, facts, and statistics.
The author reveals the depth of devastation visited upon the Mortara family, emotionally and financially, juxtaposed to the power and resources of the Church.
To place the book in a contextual framework, Kertzer provides an overview of Jewish history in Italy. Furthermore, the author acquaints the reader with the inequities between the Jews in emancipated regions of Italy, and other countries in Europe, with the Jews residing under papal control.
In addition to the Mortara case, and the subsequent tug of war for the child, the book delves into prejudices and conflicts between the Jewish community and the Church. Kertzer addresses the issue of conversions, forced or otherwise and the tenets of Church doctrine, and cites additional cases of Jewish children and adults, seized or held, by the Church.
Kertzer also includes background material on the different popes, as well as a general history of the Church, and a general history of Italy that includes details of the Risorgimento movement (the unification of Italy).
Equally, Kertzer offers details into the Enlightenment movement, which swept Italy and Europe, and the effect of Enlightenment upon religion, individual rights, parliamentary governments, Jewish communities, the Church, and the anachronistic views of the Church, which ironically helped shoe in change.
In short, the book holds a treasure trove of valuable, engrossing information, all relevant to the Mortara case.