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Aris Austin


Author:         Aris Austin

Published:    2016

Genre:           Novella

Cover:           E-Book

Pages:           128

The novella draws attention to unwanted dogs, particularly older dogs, who spend their lives in shelters before being euthanized.  The short story focused on Shadow, a dog who lived with a family until deemed too old for their lifestyle.

Austin develops the personality of Shadow through his relationships at the shelter, his memories of home, and his likes and dislikes of foods and toys.  Shadow’s thoughts at times resemble those of a child’s who would reason, rather than only comprehend, however, Shadow’s devastation from being left behind, and his dreams for a new home are heartfelt, and his plight, well understood.  One cannot help but fall in love with the dark furred, intelligent and gentle shepard mix.  Aris Austin’s cause for animals is more than commendable and the beautiful and sensitive, novella, well worth reading.

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