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Joseph Schupack 




Author:        Joseph Schupack

Published:    2017

Genre:          Historical Memoir

Cover:           E-Book

Pages:           230

Devastating, eloquent, descriptive, profound, the memoir proves a gem in Holocaust literature.  Schupack relates the tragic loss of his family, the loss of his friends, and details the loss of many years of his life, he labeled, The Dead Years.  The author begins the memoir with experiences from his childhood, of which quickly turned to the realms of war.

Born in 1922, in Radzyn, a small city in central Poland, Schupack describes the machinations of early WW II as Poland fell between the clutches of two armies, first the Russian, then the German.  Schupack, then seventeen years old, clearly depicts the German invasion and the anti-Semitic policies immediately enforced.

The author reveals his experiences during the war, the constant hunger, the endless privations, the fear of death, the round-ups, the murder of his family, and finally the horrid conditions in the death camps.  Schupack also relates his experiences after the war, and of the virulent, relentless anti-Semitism, which permeated throughout Poland, even in lieu of the Holocaust.

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