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Heather Gudenkauf




Author:       Heather Gudenkauf

Published:  2001

Grenre:       Novel

Cover:         Paperback

Pages:          337


Teen pregnancy is the focus of “These Things Hidden”, and the relationship of four young women to each other and to Joshua, the off center, centerpiece of the story.  The book, a web of tiny woven secrets, is well plotted, moving from present to past, divining small bits of information as the story moves along.  The two sisters, Allison and Brynn Glenn, the central characters, detail the story while Claire Kelby, Joshua’s mother, and Charm, who Claire befriends, impart critical pieces of information.

Allison, at twenty-six years old, is freed from prison after spending ten years in jail for drowning her newborn daughter.  The night Allison gave birth, assisted by Brynn, weaves throughout the story.  Brynn suffered bullying at school, as the sister of the murderer.

Allison, as she builds a new life, intends to reconnect with her son.


Interesting story, suspenseful, mysterious, fast paced, well plotted and well written.

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