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Ayaan Hirsi Ali


Author:      Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Published: 2007

Genre:        Autobiography

Cover:        Paperback

Pages:         353


Ms Ali’s autobiography is an education on Islam, Islamic teachings and Islamic cultures.

Ayaan Ali writes of her flight to freedom to the Netherlands, her university life, her political life, including her time in Parliament, the murder of Theo van Gogh, the issues with her Dutch citizenship, and of her travel to America.

Ayaan Ali details her life growing up in Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, and Kenya.  She writes about the mutilation of her body and her younger sister, in graphic detail, at the hands of her grandmother.  The practice was against her father’s beliefs, and done without her mother’s permission.

By the time Ayaan Hirsi Ali was ten years old, she had lived in four different Muslim countries and witnessed different forms of devastation in Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia and Kenya.  

The author discusses the rise of fundamentalist Islam, encouraged and funded by the Saudi’s; the Iranian Revolution, and the historical meaning of jihad.  Ms.  Ali states her intent in writing the book was to inform on the state of women in Islamic ruled countries, where hundreds of millions of women endure forced marriages and thousands of girls are excised every day.


Informative subject matter, in clear and concise writing, makes this a fascinating memoir.


Author:       Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Published:  2006

Genre:         Non-Fiction

Cover:         E-Book

Pages:         208


Ayaan Hirsi Ali speaks out against injustices in Islam and calls to those who choose to ignore, defend, or preserve the status quo.

Ms. Ali explains it is the strict adherence to Islamic laws as proposed in the Koran in the 7th Century, that needs reformation, and that reform can only come from within Islamic culture.   Ms. Ali states that the institutionalized dogmas of Islam, the abject fear of Allah, the Prophet Muhammad as a perfect being, and the enforced sexual prison, relegate Islam to primitivism.  Ayaan Ali asserts that the treatment of women, as directed in the Koran, is immoral, inhumane, destructive and illegal.  Ms. Ali, a victim of abuse, writes pointers in the book to help women escape abusive homes.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali points out that the basic dilemma for Islamic societies, is the refusal of Islamic leaders to review and challenge basic tenets of Islam and to question whether or not, Hadiths, (directives to be strictly followed) by the seventh century Prophet Muhammad, are applicable and sustainable in the modern world.  Furthermore, the author insists that Western countries must stop justifying “multiculturalism,” in that the very concept prevents Muslims from acclimating, adjusting and assimilating into the Western societies in which they have chosen to live.  The term, “multiculturalism,” promoted by liberals and Muslim organizations, is used as a tool by both fundamentalists and moderates to subjugate, isolate and prevent Muslim women from enjoying the protections in democratically ruled, law abiding, Western countries.


Ms. Ali offers an informative, clear and concise work on the battles Muslim women face, in managing an extreme, often backward, male dominated society.


Author:        Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Published:   2015

Genre:          Non_Fiction

Cover:          E-Book

Pages:          288


“Heretic”, the fourth book by Ayaan Hirsi Ali, pleads the case for the Reformation of Islam.  Ms Ali states that both Judaism and Christianity underwent great reforms to adapt to modern times, but Islam has yet to do so.

Ms Ali contends that until Western governments and Western societies hold Islamists accountable to Western standards, and stop excusing the abuse of females, honor killings and terrorism, nothing in Islam will change.  By refusing to coddle the fundamentalists (all extremists), the West would thus offer a partnership for reasonable change within Islam.

Ms Ali states the basic tenets of Islam prevent the very changes needed for reform and cites the following:  1. The belief that the Islamic religion provides the only path to God, and that Muhammad, Allah’s messenger, is perfect.  2. The reverence for the love of death over the love of life  3.  Adherence to Sharia law  4. The righteous power of imposing Islamic law through force  5. Jihad: the fervor to murder and maim those in disagreement.

To elaborate, Ali explains that because Islamists believe that the Qur’an is the final word of God, Islam negates other religious beliefs, and that the Prophet Muhammad, is flawless, (unlike leaders in the Old Testament).


“Heretic”, presents a realistic strategy to reform Islam, to stop political correctness in the Western world, which aids, excuses and forgives extremists, and to demand from Islam, the same ethics and morals that are expected in Judaism, Christianity, Hindu, and Buddhism.

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