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Betty Smith



Author:      Betty Smith

Published: 1943

Genre:        Classic

Cover:         Paperback

Pages:          430

Born in 1896, the daughter of German immigrants, Betty Smith, grew up in a poor neighborhood, in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.  Years later, Smith would publish several books, one of which would become a classic.  The book centers on the values of a poor Irish family, their determination to succeed and the disparity in raising their two children.


Twelve-year old Francine Nolan, resides in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York, in the summer of 1912.  More than anything, Francie loves reading.  Unlike her younger brother, Francie succeeds in school.  Unable to accept her children’s differences and abilities, Francie’s mother, determined to see her son succeed, hampers Francie’s education and chances for success in life.


Smith artfully describes the relationships in the family, depicting their strengths and weaknesses, angers and failures, loves and desires.  Woven into the story are images of immigrant life.

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