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Elizabeth Zelvin




Author:      Elizabeth Zelvin

Published: 2014

Genre:        Histroical Novel

Cover:        E-Book

Pages:         272

The well-written, beautifully descriptive, historically based novel set in 1492, follows Diego Mendoza, a Marrano, who sails with Christopher Columbus in hopes of finding the New World.  Mendoza, concerned for the safety of his family, hopes they escaped Spain and the Inquisition.  After months at sea, land is sighted.  The natives greet the ships and welcome the explorers.

Columbus uses the remains of the Santa Maria to build La Navidad, the first settlement in the New World.  The quest for gold begins.  Months later, Diego, dismally disappointed in the Spaniards treatment of the natives realizes how similar is his fate as a Jew in Spain to the Taino tribes and native peoples in the islands.

Though written for young adults, the book is enjoyable for adults as well.

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