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Milton Steinberg 



Author:        Milton Steinberg

Published:    1987/2015

Genre:           Historical Novel

Cover:           E-Book

Pages:           496

Descriptive, pictorial, the informative, historical novel centers on the conflict between Jews and Rome in the period 90 CE to 133 CE, after the destruction of the Second Temple, 70 CE.  The author portrays primarily historical personages with an intermix of fictional, background characters. 

The central figure, Rabbi Elisha Ben Abuyah, after witnessing a tragic incident, begins to doubt his faith and looks to Greek philosophy in search for Reason to prove the existence of G-d.  In depicting Ben Abuyah ‘s travels, Steinberg pinpoints differences between religious Jews and Hellenized (secular Jews) and life under the dichotomy of Greek philosophy (based on humaneness in theory), while living in the brutal reality of the Roman world.  As Jews prepare for another revolt against Rome, Elisha struggles to complete his quest and clear his doubts.

The novel, well written and expressive, introduces Greek philosophers and expounds in detail on Greek philosophy as well as Rabbinical and Talmudic philosophies.



Author:        Milton Steinberg

Published:    2015

Genre:          Biblical Novel

Cover:           E-Book

Pages:           384

Artful, descriptive, and colorful, the rivalry between two brothers sows the seeds for a doomed love story.  “The Prophet’s Wife”, offers an incredible view of Biblical Israel in the 8th Century during the time of Hosea.  The author opens the story during Hosea’s childhood then eases into Hosea’s adulthood.  Steinberg offers a wealth of information about Hosea’s life as well as historic periods of Israel under different kings.  Steinberg describes in detail:  dwellings, festivals, rituals, social norms, cultural/religious differences of varying religions, clothing and foods.

Beautifully written, remarkably intense, the passionate relationship slowly unfolds between Hosea and his beautiful wife, Gomer.  Equally passionate is the slow and steady build in the contentious relationship between Hosea and Iddo, his older brother, their differences in character, far apart.

Hosea struggles to align his father’s moral teachings as taught in the Bible, with that of which he witnesses happening in Israel, only to realize the disparity.  Hosea, as the third son, with no claims to family lands, must procure a profession.   As a scribe, Hosea meets Amos, the Prophet, by whom he becomes, influenced.

 Steinberg’s novel reflects the Biblical story of Hosea, drawing parallels to the present day, and furthermore, gives voice to Gomer, who pleads her difficulties and challenges as a woman.

Although the novel was published unfinished, and ends in lines of acute interest, the novel stands as whole, only leaving the reader with desire for more. 


Milton Steinberg, (1903-1950), a rabbi, theologian, and philosopher, authored beautifully written, intelligent, thoughtful books.

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