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Rachel Sontag


Author:      Rachel Sontag

Published: 2009

Genre:        Memoir

Cover:         Paperback

Pages:         261

Rachel Sontag penned the memoir of her childhood and teen years spent in a dysfunctional home.  Rachel, her younger sister, Jenny and her mother, suffered from her emotionally impaired, unyielding, abusive father.

Rachel’s mother, Ellen, not only witnessed, but often supported her husband’s irrational behavior.  The girls were allowed no freedoms, no friends, no dates nor social life.

One counselor stepped in to help, removing sixteen-year old, Rachel from the home, but only for short period.  Although the extended family suspected, they did little to stop the abuse.  Both parents blamed Rachel for any incident, explaining to friends and family, she was out of control.  Ellen placed the relationship with her husband, far above her daughters, fully aware of the abuse he inflicted.

Therapy and distance from her family began to help Rachel heal.  She began to realize that her mother was as guilty as her father and in some cases worse.  She does maintain a relationship with sister, Jenny, who shared in the misery of their home.  Rachel finished her degree in creative writing and House Rules is her first book.


Clear and concise writing; interesting story.

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