Charlotte Rogan

Author: Charlotte Rogan
Published: 2012
Genre: Historical Fiction
Cover: Paperback
Pages: 274
Thirty-eight passengers survive the sinking of an ocean liner and huddle together in a lifeboat, floating on the open seas. The novel, set in the year 1914, moves back and forth through time. Grace Winters, who claims the last seat, narrates the story. The author delves into human nature characterizing both its best and worst.
As the individuals of varying social economic backgrounds relate their experiences before the disaster occurred and their ideas for survival on the sea, it becomes clear, Mr. Hardie, one of the ship’s crew will command he vessel.
As it becomes clear rescue may take time, Hardie rations food and water. Grace Winters keeps her circumstance secret laying claim to the seat through Henri, her wealthy husband. As Hardie grows more commanding and dictatorial, Winters reveals pieces of her past. Though the passengers rely on Hardy, they do not completely trust him, especially after he refuses assistance to another lifeboat. As the days pass, Winters manipulates her situation to any advantage. It becomes clear that Winters’ concern is not only her survival on the lifeboat, but holds precarious circumstances with her husband’s wealthy family. Hardie soon begins to dictate the fate of the passengers.
Well written; intriguing topic.