Chil Rajchman
The Last Jew
of Treblinka
Author: Chil Rajchman
Published: 2012
Genre: Historical Memoir
Cover: E-Book
Pages: 160
Yechiel Meyer Rajchman, born in Lodz, Poland, in June of 1914, is caught in a Nazi round-up of Jews in Lublin, Poland, in 1943, and sent, along with his younger sister, to Treblinka. Harrowing descriptions depict the ten months Rajchman spent in the death camp. The story, lucid and dark, addresses the unfathomably evil, monstrous acts perpetrated on the Jewish victims by Ukrainian guards and German commanders. Rajchman’s account reveals not only how the Jews were savaged and murdered, but also reveals the depraved actions of the Nazis to hide their crimes. The graphic account bears witness to the relentless beatings, continual hunger, rampant disease and the endless torture inflicted upon the prisoners while living in insufferable conditions. The memoir stands as an excellent source of information on Treblinka death camp and on the Holocaust.