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Mary Morris 


Author:         Mary Morris 

Published:    2018

Genre:           Novel

Cover:            E-Book

Pages:            345

The author bases the novel on two intertwining themes.  Descendants of converse families in 1490’s Spain become crypto Jews by the 1990’s in New Mexico.  Secondly, the author likens, space exploration of the “Unknown” to the exploration and navigation of the New world.  The story flips back and forth from the 1490’s-1600’s to the 1990’s.

Many characters fill the novel, each personality, lively and distinct.  In the historical narratives, the author depicts short stories of family members to advance the chain of events.  In the present day, Morris builds the characters through lustrous, lengthy tales, through the opinions of other characters and through similarities of ancestry.

Not an action-oriented plot, the author uses powerful lamentations from the past or elated hopes for the future to weave the stories of each personality.  Little conversation takes place as the characters interact minimally with one another.  As the story progresses, each character embarks upon a particular journey of discovery.

Colorful, vibrant imagery abounds throughout, as well as plentiful, vivid terrors of the Inquisition.  The author mixes historic personages and fictitious figures and presented amazing depictions of the historic era.

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