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Sarah Wildman 

Paper Love


Author:         Sarah Wildman

Published:    2014

Genre:           Historical Biography

Cover:            E-Book

Pages:            387

After the death of her grandfather, Karl Wildman, the author, having discovered a trove of Dr. Wildman’s personal files and letters, determined to reconstruct her grandfather’s past.  Love letters sent to Karl Wildman by Valy Scheftel, intrigued Ms. Wildman, which led her to search for the mysterious lover of her grandfather’s past.

The reader becomes privy to personal, desperate letters of love, longing and ultimately, the hope of survival.  The author relates in detail, her journey through Europe to find the missing pieces of the story as she narrates the tragic events that befell the Jews during WWII.

Weighing the book down was the repetitious writing, mixed with an ever-lengthy list of names and places visited for the author’s research.

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