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Brenda Janowitz 

 The Dinner Party

Author:        Brenda Janowitz

Published:   2016

Genre:          Novel

Cover:           E-Book

Pages:           297

The fictional story centers on three families tied through the relationships of their children and of their shared expectations, disappointments and joys of their children.  Equally, the story revolves around the Jewish Holidays of Pesach (Passover), Rosh Hashana,( the New Year), and Yom Kippor, (the Day of Atonement) and the expectations and meanings of the Holidays.

Janowitz draws realistic scenes, and reveals the different characters through short, though descriptive passages, some overly detailed of dress, seating arrangements, or home décor, but the personalities of the individual figures shine through disclosing admirable qualities as well as shortcomings.  The struggles of the families could be of any family and the characters, mostly sympathetic, are most likeable when exhibiting the strength of self-discovery and as well, in their willingness to change and accept.

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