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Alan Fleishman


Author:      Alan Fleishman

Published: 2010

Genre:        Historical Novel

Cover:        E-Book

Pages:         294

Alan Fleishman’s fast paced historical novel, set in Uman, Ukraine, a small village 100 miles from Kiev, the capital, proves a heart-thumping thriller.  The novel takes place from 1890 to 1907, during the reign of Nicolas II.  Nicolas, twenty-six years old at the time of his father, Tsar Alexander III’s death, is ill prepared to be the Tsar.  However, one Tsar or another made little difference to the Jews, who faced Cossacks, Black Hundreds, Haidamacks and violent mobs with no protection under the law.


Avi Schneider follows the Jewish traditions of his family.  As a teen, he tires of the pogroms and decides he will not cower before the anti-Semitic mobs.  After meeting his Uncle Yacov, a soldier in the Tsar’s army, who comes to visit the family in Uman, Avi learns a different path.


Descriptive and well written, the novel encompasses the politics of the day as well as the historic period of Jewish life in the Ukraine, enmeshed with a tender love story.  The author renders detailed descriptions of the schetel, (shtetl) Uman, beautifully describes relationships of friends and family, and recounts horrific scenes of the pogroms Jews endured.  Goliath’s Head refers to young David slaying the Philistine, Goliath.  Excellent.  Recommended.

        A FINE



Author:      Alan Fleishman

Published: 2013

Genre:        Historical Novel

Cover:        E-Book

Pages:         383

The saga of the Schneider family continues with Avi Schneider’s arrival in the U.S.  The novel covers the historic period from 1905 to post WW II.  The author details an informative history in a compelling story and transitions from the difficulties and joys of immigrant life in New York to the difficulties and joys of the family Avi left behind in the shtetl, Uman, a small village in the Ukraine.


The author describes the poverty and the struggles of new immigrants, depicts housing, street venders, markets, storefronts and work in the sweatshops, all in all, rendering a clear view of life in New York City, at the turn of the century.  The hardship Avi’s family endures in Uman is revealed through letters of correspondence between Avi and his brother.


As the years flow by, the story progresses with the arrival of Avi’s family, and encompasses the family members integration into American society along with societal changes in America including anti-Semitic legislation, WW I, Prohibition, and WW II. 

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