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Jed Rubenfield

      The            Interpretation

    of Murder

Author:      Jed Rubenfield

Published: 2006

Genre:        Historical Novel

Cover:         Paperback

Pages:          431


Renowned psychiatrists, beautiful women, dazzling wealth and murder all converge in the fast paced, intricately woven, historical thriller that takes place in the hot summer of 1909.


Dr Sigmund Freud and his young protégé, Carl Young, visit New York City. Stratham Younger, a Harvard graduate with a degree in medicine and psychology, studies Freud’s work with fervor.

Murders besiege the city.  After a young woman from a wealthy family suffers an attack by an intruder that leaves her traumatized, Stratham suggests Dr. Freud interview the young woman.


Although a work of fiction, the plot, fact based and well researched, includes letters and publications of the renowned characters, plus well-drawn fictitious characters.  The novel proves a highly suspenseful, cleverly plotted and well written page-turner with a picturesque view of life at the turn of the century.  Excellent!

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