Isser Harel
Author: Isser Harel
Published: 1975
Genre: Historical Non-Fiction
Cover: Paperback
Pages: 319
Isser Harel's, non-fiction, fast paced thriller, details the capture of Adolf Eichmann, by the Israeli Secret Service headed by Isser Harel, in May 1960.
Eichmann, one of the chief architects and arch criminals during Hitler’s reign in Nazi Germany, was particularly close to Hitler.
Harel meticulously lays out the plan he formulated to identify, capture and hold, then transfer Eichmann to Israel in May of 1960. Harel’s plans are fastidious, clockwork in nature. The acquiring of safe houses, rental cars, and an identity double with few disruptions are overcome. An all volunteer team of competent quick thinkers and of hard core iron will made it possible. Harel’s team has a personal interest in their mission, as most were Holocaust survivors. Their personal experiences of the war are included.
Eichmann, no simple soldier, personally carried out mass murders of Jewish men, women, children and infants. Eichmann and his fellow Germans were responsible for the death of millions of Jews by beating, burning, starvation, disease, shooting, and gassing.
After in their care, even with a limitless disgust and revulsion for Eichmann, the team treats him with humanity, feeding him, and attending to his needs. That he killed their families is now secondary. This team will bring to trial Adolf Eichmann, a devil incarnate, the tormentor, and the destructor of Jews, to be held in judgment before the people of Israel, in Israel, for the very conscience of Israel.
The book ends with Eichmann’s capture and transport to the Jewish Homeland. Harel offers a particularly emotional closing.
Eichmann was later tried by an Israeli Court and was hung for his abominable crimes.