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Edith Wharton

Ethan Frome

Author:       Edith Wharton

Published:  1911

Genre:         Classic

Cover:         Paperback

Pages:         140

Pulitzer Prize winning author, Edith Wharton, was born in New York in 1862.  The author of short story novels, Edith Wharton was nominated three times for the Nobel Prize for Literature, 1927, 1928 and 1930. Born into wealth and privilege, Edith Wharton hobnobbed with people of influence including, Theodore Roosevelt.  Wharton’s father played an instrumental role in helping publish her work.  The author died in France in 1937.


Ethan Frome, a poor, New England farmer, falls in love with his wife’s cousin, Mattie Silver.  However, seven years prior, Ethan out of loneliness, married Zenobia Pierce.  The marriage quickly lost luster and Zenobia began to ail.  The previous year, Mattie Silver, Zeena’s cousin, came to live with the Fromes to help Zeena with housework.

Ethan soon fell in love with the lovely young woman, whose cheerfulness and vitality filled him with life and happiness.

Unable to abide her husband’s happiness, Zenobia sends her destitute cousin away.  The loving pair, unable to accept their fate apart, choose another path.


Beautifully written with lively, sympathetic characters.


Author:       Edith Wharton

Published:  1917

Genre:         Classic

Cover:          Paperback

Pages:          199

The story of a young woman who unwittingly falls into the trap of the social and economic mores of the turn of the century.

Adopted years before by an attorney and his wife, the young woman, Charity, intelligent and determined, plans a life of independence.  However, after falling in love with a young man, her plans change.

The attorney who adopted Charity, having recently lost his wife, focuses his intent on the young woman.  Charity, believing in her young man, makes a fateful choice that will not only change her life but all of her plans.

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