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Ildefonso Falcones



   of the SEA

Author:       Ildefonso Falcones

Published:  2006

Genre:         Historical Fiction


Pages:          603


Ildefonso Falcones’s historical novel vividly depicts the injustice of the feudal system for serfs and tenants, in fourteenth century Spain.

The saga stretches over two generations, and centers on the friendship between two boys who share their tragedies and dreams.  Years later, the boys turned men, find their views of morality and justice so very different, that the paths of two men collide.


Well written, believable characters, realistic dialogue, interesting storyline.




Author:      Ildefonso Falcones

Published: 2001

Genre:        Historical Novel


Pages:         961


Ildefonso Falcones sets his second novel in Granada, during the latter half of the 1500’s.  The Moriscos, descendents of the Spanish Muslims in Spain, who converted to Christianity, were never fully accepted by the Christians.  The book centers on the relationships between Muslims and Christians in Spain.


Aisha, a young Moorish woman assaulted by a Catholic priest, months later, bears a son.  Hernando Ruiz, Aisha’s son, called the Nazarene by Muslims, learns to survive in both the Christian and Muslim worlds.


The story centers on Hernando’s life-long battle with his father for the same woman, and what becomes Hernando’s life work:  a book to promote healing between Moors and Christians. 


Good battles evil in this lengthy saga of plots and subplots.

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